The weekend is not officially over, but it is in my book. Matt left this morning for his three week stint in Miami. We decided that neither he, nor I, could EVER survive him being in the military. I don't know how my cousin Jayne does it with THREE kids and a dog with a husband in the military who was gone for MONTHS at a time. Jayne, if you are reading this, tips?
Molly survived her first thanksgiving. She met the rest of the Begel clan who came in from California and her uncle Alex and her "cousin" Ryan who came in with Amy from the East Coast. Despite her getting what seems to be some more teeth (as she pulled the same puking shananagins as last time) she was really good all weekend. She tolerated us taking her place to place trying to capture the best picture for the pending Christmas card. We were'll see in a couple weeks!
Matt and I enjoyed a night in with our good friends Dan, Bridget, their little girl Lauren who is not so little anymore, Jenn, John, Emily, Brian and then a quick visit with little Lilla (Jenn and John's daughter). We abruptly left Starbucks fearing Molly was going to get sick again. So far, nothing, just lethargy, LOTS of sleeping and little eating. Oh well....what fun would it be for Mommy if Molly didn't get sick while Daddy is away!!!
We really can't wait for Christmas as that means Matt will be home and these three weeks will have flown by. Enjoy some pics of Molly from the weekend.
Oh Kitty you are so cute I can't stand it. Your "Paris" hat is adorable (thanks to Gma and Gpa!) and you looked just delish on Thanksgiving. Charlie has even forgiven you for puking all over his highchair. I love you and can't wait to see your x-mas card!
"Three Faces of Molly"
Each one different; and each one oh so beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving.
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