Never a dull moment around here...Molly threw up for the first time yesterday. OK...maybe that is not blog material, but if this is meant to capture all the major moments in her life, well, this was MAJOR. Don't worry, I did not capture it, I was too worried about her, the floors she puked on (not ours) and what to do next. Needless to say, she has not gotten sick since but has not been herself. I read that teething can cause vomiting so I am just going to go with that.
On a less gross note, Molly now does "so big" and I captured it on camera during dinner tonight. She also was sneaking around trying to find her x-mas presents that came in this big box, and I caught her!! Silly girl...she needs to learn to be more inconspicuous than that!!! Definetly taking after her mommy in more ways than one (I have been known to snoop for the occasional present and Dee-Dee reminded me that I, too, had been known to get sick randomly when I was little). Can't wait for Daddy to come home!!!!4 days and trying NOT to count.
Molly, I am sorry you are sick but GET OUT OF THE X-MAS PRESENTS! You are just as bad as your Mommy!!! As we have been telling Charlie, Santa is watching...
I love you and am glad you are feeling better. No more puking until Daddy gets home!
That sneaky little girl! Just like her momma. Maybe her guardian angel left her a gift!!!
Like I said before, I blamed everything on teething when Ben and Max were babies. Can't wait to see you next time.
Auntie Suzi
Hi Molly & Alli,
Gma is going to be so excited when she sees these pictures of Molly snooping around. So precious!
Mom, you are probably "right on" about the teething. Tom Tom Mercier ran a very high fever while we were visiting in Paris and his pediatrician chalked that up to his cutting several teeth all at one time.
Feel better Molly. Daddy will be home shortly to help out for awhile.
We LOVE you so much!
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