Not sure anyone even checks this blog anymore. Hard to believe that two years ago, when we started this, we thought this would be the ONLY way to share pictures! And then, wahlah!!! Facebook! Well, for those who are not FB we go...
Molly, now 27 months, is full on toddler going on teenager. Her mood changes from moment to moment. She is sassy one second and then sweet as sweet can be the next. She talks NON-STOP!!! Seriously, non-stop. And about nothing really important. Trees, stop lights, smoke stacks, birds, lunch, pooping, swimming, playgrounds, whatever is on her mind. I am really trying to work on her actually answering questions as opposed to just repeating the last word or words I said. It will be great when she and I can actually have a conversation!!!
We are thinking about pre-school for her in the fall, but waiting to see what happens with my job situation. I would love for her to start getting around other kids again on a more consistent basis and with me not around. It would really benefit Molly to have some stucture to her day and I am just not a structure type of person.
Molly's favorite things, in no particular order are: me, Matt, my parents, talking about all of her grandparents and great-grandparents, her cousins, Emily, her kitty blanket, her towel that used to be a bath towel but now lines her crib, the Backyardigans, Mickey Mouse, Chuggington, being outside, playing on a playground, the zoo, etc. Pretty normal for a 2 year old.
Todays pics are from some backyard fun we had thanks to a lovely day. Enjoy.
Devoted as always. =) Great pics.
We're following! Gotta keep up the posts, girly!
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