Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ooohhh....NOT happy!

Well neither was I. It snowed another 5-6 inches today and of course, Matt is out of town. So, I thought I would try and take Molly outside and snap a few pics of her in the snow. Hmm... did not turn out as jolly as I thought. First of all, it was a LOT colder than I thought it was outside and the wind was whipping around. AGH! So, it was a short shoot. And I could not for the life of me get her to smile, but then again, I wasn't smiling either. We're done with winter around here. I don't know what was colder, my fingers, her face or my buttocks that kept dipping into the snow as I bent down to take her picture. Comical now, not so much then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kitty! We're not happy about winter either. But you look oh so cute in your snowsuit. Hopefully a couple more months and we can break out the swimsuits!!!!
Love, Auntie