Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Holiday's Are Over...

Little Alex...just being such a good baby.

Molly trying to play stickers with Charlie.

Nothing better than a Christmas morning bottle in your Christmas PJ's.

Woah! What a mess....who's going to clean this up?

Don't you need these keys for this ride mom?

...And I can't tell if I am sad or happy. While it will be nice to get back to a routine, I know come Monday morning when I have to get up at 5:30 I will be wishing for another two weeks off!! Christmas was great. Despite finding out she had a terrible ear infection, Molly was great. Those antibioctics kicked butt (almost made it a year medication free) and she almost instantly started feeling better. And then, abracadabra, we had a happy baby again. She now has almost 4 teeth, she is cruising around the furniture like she is on a mission, she has stood on her own and she even took TWO steps the other day. Although, I am not sure she meant to do it and has not done it since, they were steps nonetheless.
New Year's was fun. Molly partied with Charlie, Alex, Dee Dee and Papa while Emily Brian and I went to dinner and then out for some drinks. Matt was out in San Diego on one of his first trips for Virgin America and while I am sure he wishes he would have been here, the nice weather probably made it a little easier to deal with. He is learning how to deal with commuting to San Francisco for work as are Molly and I. Hopefully, Molly will show him all her new tricks when he gets home.

All in all Molly's first holiday season was a succesful one. She loves all her new presents and can't wait to go for a ride in her wagon outside of the house! Now it's on to birthday season as we have my dad's, mine, Charlie's and then Molly's all in the next 6 weeks. YIKES!!

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