Sunday, December 7, 2008

To My Daddy....

Hi Daddy! Thought you would like to hear from me. I love you and I miss you and I can't wait to see you in less than 2 weeks. I don't know how long that is but Mommy says it's not that long. Study hard! Love, Molly


Anonymous said...

If that doesn't make Matt miss Molly, I don't know what will. This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
Charlie says, "yaaay Kitty!!!"
We love you so much!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If that doesn't make Matt miss Molly, I don't know what will. This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
Charlie says, "yaaay Kitty!!!"
We love you so much!!!!!

Molly said...

Oh did you get to be so darn cute & funny. Thank you for making me smile! I miss you and mom so much and can't wait to be back at home with you both.

Love - Daddy

Frank said...

To Molly, Mommy & Daddy,

This about the nicest family moment I have ever seen! One of epic proportions!

We love you all and miss you huge. And great stuff Molly!

Gpa & Gma

Anonymous said...

Adorable of course! Love the wave! The "da da da da" will surely wrap tightly around Da Da's heart and cinch it right on in!
Hope you two are surviving your three week stint!
It's hard, believe me I know! Just got word David's off to Afghanistan for 4 months starting next month! Yes, he'll have been home for 6 months when he leaves!
Love the teapot!
Stay adorable miss Molly and learn how to say, "Jayne!"

love you,

Anonymous said...

Okay - Miss Molly. This made me miss you AND Dadadadada, and your mom too. Maybe you want me to stop over with some goodies in the next week and keep your mom company while Daddy's away....