Oh Molly, you are an autumn vision! And you are a spitting image of your cousin Charlie in that pumpkin costume. It almost brings tears to my eyes. We love you so much!!!! Auntie, Brian, Charlie and Alex
You are so darn cute. I love your little smile. It looks as though your personality is coming through and you look to be a very fun baby. Give you mom a big hug and kiss for me.
I'm a mom and a MOM. I have two wonderful kids who call me mom and a gay husband which makes me part of a MOM, mixed orientation marriage. Neither one has a guide book. Both are scary as hell. And both make me smile and cry on a regular basis. Welcome to this crazy roller coaster that's called my life, that I don't remember buying a ticket for.
Oh Molly, you are an autumn vision! And you are a spitting image of your cousin Charlie in that pumpkin costume. It almost brings tears to my eyes.
We love you so much!!!!
Auntie, Brian, Charlie and Alex
Hi Molly,
You are so darn cute. I love your little smile. It looks as though your personality is coming through and you look to be a very fun baby. Give you mom a big hug and kiss for me.
love you,
Hey Molly,
You make a beautiful autumn day even more beautiful and you warm Gpa's heart on a chilly day!
I miss you.
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