Thursday, May 29, 2008

My First Vacation

Well, I got home last night from my first trip. I had a blast visting all my relatives in Maine and Connecticut and meeting so many new people, like my "cousin" Tommy whose mommy and daddy got married on the 24th. I took my first plane ride and was a champ! I went to my first wedding and was the second prettiest girl there. I saw the beatiful Maine coastline, the beautiful Connecticut coastline, saw where my great-grandmother Frawley spent her days and had my picture taken on her chair with her picture next to me and met my great-grandfather Smoko and all of his friends at his retirement home. Overall, I was a great little girl, a pleasure to travel with (or so say my parents) and am looking forward to my next plane ride. Here are some pictures from my trip.

1 comment:

Frank said...

Dear Molly,

Now I'm really crying. Four generations with you and Tom-Tom representing your generation magnificently!

It was an awesome time for Gma and me. We are glad you "travel" so well so that maybe we will be able to see you more frequently.

