Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cup 'o Joe

Molly can't start the day without a big cup 'o joe. No decaf for this girl!


Anonymous said...

Oh Molly, it was so wonderful to meet you and thanks for letting me hog you and not share you with the rest of the family. I knew you were my kind of girl--i luvva my cup 'o joe! I can't wait to see you next time and I don't plan on letting anyone else hold you again. I send you tons of hugs and kisses.

Love you-
Auntie Suzi

Frank said...

Molly, Molly,

It's your Grandma Di Di. I'm kicking Grandpa aside for now to send my love to you! Grandpa talks to you all the time and now it's my turn. I can't wait to see you and hold you again.

Love all of your cute little outfits! YOU are the one that really makes the outfits! They would be nothing without YOU! I'm thinking that you need another outfit. I've got my eye on one.

Keep sending your cute pictures.

Love and Kisses,

Grandma Di Di

Our Milwaukee Family said...

She's already so advanced -- coffee, straight from the mug. Good thing we didn't purchase the Baby Insulated Travel Coffee Bottle with the cute bears and balloons.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Molly,
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, stuff here in Rochester have been out of control. We had a foot of snow this past weekend and I've been working non stop. I will have the Dunkin Donut coffee in the mail this weekend :). It is the best - I hope you like it. Tell Mommy and Daddy that I love you 3 soooooo much and Susan and Steven, your big cousins send you their love. Hope to get to Milwaukee soon. We LOVE you!!!

Aunt Lou-Anne