Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snow and an Early Christmas

Santa came to the Smoko house a few days early because he knew Matt was going to be gone on Xmas. Santa knows EVERYTHING doesn't he???? Needless to say, he must have thought Molly was a very good girl this year. Matt and I tend to agree. Since it is the season of thanks, I'll take the time to say how thankful both Matt and I feel to have such a wonderful little girl. She makes me laugh every day, like real laughs, not just "Oh you're so cute" laughs. We look at her and she is growing up so fast. I think Matt notices it more than me since he spends significant time away from her. She already looks at us sometimes like we are crazy, which is something I am sure we will get used to after 7 or 8 years. She never stops moving, she never stops learning, she never stops talking. We're unbelievably sad to not all be together this Christmas but looking forward to a great 2010!!