Molly is doing SO many new things. Almost too many to even remember or write about, but here are a few of her highlights:
- She will repeat anything you say. Even if you don't want her too. I said, "Jesus" the other day, and well, so did she.
- Molly loves to drive us crazy and untie her shoes in the car, take them off and then take off her socks as well. She has now started to say, "cold" when she does this or she'll call herself out and say "naughty". She knows it's wrong, yet she does it anyway!
- Molly went down her first water slide the other day. And I mean BIG water slide. It was awesome until the end when she got a face full of water. Oh well, she liked it (we think).
- She is goofy, goofy, goofy. She likes to wear this witch hat we got her for dress up. She looks at herself in the mirror and laughs at herself.
- She took her diaper off one morning and smeared poop everywhere. Not cool.
- She LOVES to run. And she announces, "I running" when she's doing it, just in case you couldn't see that.
- Molly also loves to dance and she's got some pretty good moves.
- She loves to be independent which at times, is great (like when she throws away her garbage and takes her dishes to the sink). There are also times where this causes a fight like when she wants to brush her own teeth or wash her own face, neither of which she is good at.
Anyway, she's getting taller, and smarter, and cuter, and funnier, and faster, and sassier, and on and on and on. We can't wait for this Christmas to see her face opening presents and hopefully "getting it" a little more than last year.