Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mommy and Molly go to the Park

Sunny chilly fall day. Nothing like a walk around the pond at the park

Friday, October 9, 2009

Two Goofy Pictures and an Update

All summer we tried to get Molly to wear her sunglasses. Being blessed with her daddy's eyes comes with a down eyes are more sensitive to the sun! So now, that it's fall, and we're inside, and the sun is not shinning this morning, it would only make sense that she decided this morning to wear her sunglasses....inside. She's SO weird!!

Update on Molly....she's starting to be a real chatterbox. In her own language mostly still, but every once in awhile she throws in a word we can understand. Her favorites other than mommy and daddy (which she says daddy A LOT) are up, on, down, more, milk (which only a trained ear can decipher more and milk), cookie, cracker, car, hot, wet, dee dee, papa (which she has a song she sings about them), grandma and grandpa both come out as just "gra" hi (which is a long drawn out "Hiiiieeeeeee" and bye bye. She'll attempt to repeat anything you say, and usually get ateast the first 2 or 3 letters right.

Anyway, other than that...she's been enjoying her new in-home day care and doing lots of fun things there. She has three friends who go there who also are in our Friday afternoon wine play date (moms drink wine, kids play). Her day care providers name is Helene and she is wonderful.

Molly is going to be a bee, actually a busy bee, for Halloween, since that is what she is on a regular basis. To quote my friend Mary, "Wow, Molly is really busy isn't she?" The answere is YES and she has been since in the whomb. I will leave you with another quote from my OB when Molly was still in my tummy, " better trade in those flip flops for some running shoes...this one is active!"